piątek, 21 października 2016

PS3 Jailbreak 4.80

PS3 Jailbreak 4.80


PS3 Jailbreak 4.80 Released and those were looking for it can jailbreak your device’s in just seconds. All you will have to download the New PS3UPDAT.PUP Once you download the file, you can easily jailbreak your device. Steps and Instructions has also provided and by following these steps and instructions you will not find any difficulty in jailbreaking your Playstation.


Steps and Instructions

Stick Your USB with the Laptop or Computer.
Create a directory inside USB and name it as PS3.
Create new folder insde PS3 Directory name as Update.
Copy the PS3UPDAT.PUP file that you will get From Download Link.  Download
Now Connect Your USB to PS3.
Go to the Settings and select System Update.
Select Update Via storage media.
It will say it version 4.80 Jailbreak found.
Now Select OK.
Click Agree on terms and Condition and Install update.
Wait for the sometime, your PS3 will update, it will beep Three-Four times then shut down.

Now Restart your PlayStation 3. You will have the Jailbroken Device after that.